Effort And Attainment Rewards And Certificates

Nothing is more important than encouraging a child along the path of learning, rewarding excellent work and, most crucially, rewarding effort. Brainwaves are a family-run company, one of the leading suppliers of rewards for the UK’s primary school students, with unique, colourful designs and friendly, speedy service. Certificates and stickers, amongst other items, are available for great value from the website, ideal for motivating students and encouraging good behaviour.

The positive reinforcement that items such as these communicate to a child is invaluable. Distribution of small rewards such as these creates a constructive and encouraging learning environment, in addition to providing a tangible pat on the back which parents can see at the end of the school day. It is nice to have your hard work noticed and appreciated at any age. In a general curriculum, no student is going to excel at every subject, making it important to reward those who try right across the curriculum in spite of this.

Certificates and stickers are not only available for great grades and commendable effort, other important life practices are encouraged with rewards for perfect attendance, healthy eating, bravery, sporting, listening, reading, writing, punctuality, hygiene, road safety, good manners and swimming. There are many ways in which a child can excel, and every aspect of their development should be encouraged. With these items, the nation’s children become aware that there are alternative ways to be a star pupil which have nothing to do with maths, science, or English, and that their teachers are paying attention to every aspect of their primary education.

Whether for classes or pupils with foreign backgrounds, these items are offered in eight languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Welsh, Turkish, Arabic, and Polish. For displaying their many talents, personal reward charts and bookmarks are available in addition to class wall charts.

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