Play A Joke On A Friend

One of the best jokes in the world to play on a friend is to present them with a fake degree to show them that you really are an expert in your chosen field and you really do know it all. Presenting them with a fake degree that looks authentic is even better. Add the transcripts into the mix and it is just priceless.
Picking a concentration that is completely off the wall and something that you really just aren’t interested in can add a bit of flair to the joke. People that know you well will be wondering what happened. How did you do it and why? The fake transcripts are the icing on the cake for this particular joke. All the classes that you �took� with your �grades� are listed with your name on it. Who would have thought you could pull off such a great joke?
Display your new fake degree on a wall and just watch the buzz start happening as your friends start to notice it. Pull out the transcripts when necessary so you can prove that the buy degree hanging on your wall is in fact real. The more outrageous the claims about the degree, the better the joke. Your friends will be so confused as to how they missed this. And you can be heart broken and disappointed that they didn’t know you better.
Display your new fake degree on a wall and just watch the buzz start happening as your friends start to notice it. Pull out the transcripts when necessary so you can prove that the buy degree hanging on your wall is in fact real. The more outrageous the claims about the degree, the better the joke. Your friends will be so confused as to how they missed this. And you can be heart broken and disappointed that they didn’t know you better.
They missed your graduation. Obviously weren’t listening when you were talking about your classes and professors. In fact, where have they been the past couple of years while you were busting your fanny trying to finish school? Some great friend they have been considering they didn’t even know what was going on with you. Guilt trip them into wondering what they heck they were thinking.
Then, when the timing is right and you are finally ready to reveal to them that it was in fact a joke, that the degree is in fact a fake degree along with the transcripts, you can have the satisfaction and enjoy sharing with them how you have pulled off the most awesome and convincing joke in the world. Tell them where they can go to buy a degree and play the same joke on other people that they know.
Diploma World can take care of everything that you need to pull this great joke off with an authentic looking fake degree paired with the transcripts to go with it. So if you want to play this joke on a friend, they are the place to start!

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