Which Mba From Singapore? – National University Of Singapore, Ntu Or City University Of New York

The Nanyang Business School has been ranked one of the top business schools in Asia. The Nanyang Business School (NBS) is committed to excellent teaching, innovative curricula, quality research and dynamic industry links. The School’s brilliant academic record, excellent faculty and students, vast networks of corporate and international have earned itself the accreditations of AACSB International and EQUIS. It is the first business school in Singapore to achieve such a distinction. Economist Intelligence Unit has ranked it among the Top 100 for its MBA programme for the years of 2004 and 2005.

World Class Learning Environment

NBS has missions of growing business leaders for Asia and beyond, therefore it has put in place both the human capital and the physical infrastructure to create a world-class learning environment. The top echelons from the government and the industry gather at the school as the faculty. Today, it is partners with MIT; CMU; Richard Ivey School of Management; University of Western Ontario, Canada; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Shanghai Jiaotong University.
NBS provides some of the most advanced technology with a campus-wide computer network, and NTUnet, which links all the computing systems within the grounds of the University.

NUS � An experience of highest standards

NUS Business School is the first in ASEAN and among the firsts in Asia-Pacific to be accredited by AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) for meeting the highest standards of achievement in education and research for business schools worldwide. NUS Business school, established in the year 2002, is considered among one of the most popular international school. There are 100 full time faculty members who are dedicated towards providing the take best training of the students in their field of management.

NUS � Placed 33rd in the world in 2007 and 30th in 2008

NUS offers 27 single-degree undergraduate and 115 masters, doctoral and graduate diploma programmes conducted by 13 faculties. Internationally, The Times Higher Education Supplement(THES) placed NUS 33rd in the world in 2007 and 30th in 2008.

Has a distinguished international faculty

The School has a distinguished international faculty educated in renowned universities including Harvard, Wharton, MIT, Oxford and many others.

Student strength

The School now boasts of about 2,700 students including both post-graduates and under-graduates. The School prides itself in attracting a huge pool of smart, talented students to its vast array of academic programs, including MBA, BBA, Executive MBA, PhD and MSc programs. It also offers a wide range of customized and open enrollment programs in its Executive Education courses

Baruch College, The City University of New York

Founded in 1847, Baruch College, The City University of New York is America’s largest AACSB accredited business school. Baruch College student tapped on an international network of over 100,000 alumni which includes 12 Nobel Laureate winners, one of the highest among public university worldwide.

Ranked one of US Top Graduate School by Princeton Review 2009

Baruch EMBA degree offers you the opportunity to expand your business knowledge while simultaneously transforming your career and network accessibility. Taught by highly regarded Baruch Faculty, this coursework-based program is tailored for senior executives in both in the private and the public sectors-and for entrepreneurs who must compete in a rapidly changing, technologically oriented, and highly competitive domestic and global business environment.

Distinguished international faculty

Major differences in age and prior work experience have a significant impact on the way students receive and absorb new learning; Learning needs of executive students are more context-oriented; i.e., students constantly evaluate their class experience in terms of how it would improve their decision-making skills, given specific or unique situations in their work environment. In addition, executive MBA classes are populated by students who are quite heterogeneous as a group in terms of diversity of educational backgrounds and professional work experience.

Strategic Thinking and Leadership Development

When you enroll in the Baruch EMBA Program, you make a strategic investment in your personal success and professional future. The phenomenal return is far beyond your financial investment. The program’s unique qualities, innovative structure, and instructional methodology are unmatched by any other executive program offered by major business schools in the United States and in other industrially advanced countries.


The ultimate aim of the program is to equip you with a sharply honed understanding of the strengths and limitations of various “skills and knowledge” domains: firm resources, risk propensities, and external market-competitive and socio-political environmental constraints pertinent to those decisions.

All three Business Schools are world ranking schools imparting an international standard of learning to the students. If you can get into any of them you can consider yourself blessed!

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