The Importance Of Electrical Safety Certificates

An electrical certificate also goes by the name of a Periodic Inspection Certificate that is created for any electrical installation. What it basically means is that it is a report that contains details of all the detailed technical data related to electrical wiring that is part of your property. It also provides all the details on the state of the wiring. Recommendations are also made for any changes and improvements that need to be made to the electrical works.

Getting an electrical certificate is an important part of being a landlord or if you are selling your home. In order to get it your property will have to undergo a test and inspection and only on passing it will you get the certificate. The main purpose behind getting a certificate of this have solid certified proof that your property’s electrical system is in place and safe. This certificate is generally asked for when you are selling or renting the property. Most rental agencies will even refuse to put your property on their listing if you do not have the certificate.

Should you not have the test and inspection done, chances are you are sitting on a death trap or subjecting a potential tenant to it. Safety should be your main priority. There is no legal compulsion to have the certificate but it is an unsaid norm in the industry. There are several professionally qualified individuals and agencies who can provide you with this service. The inspections deep but at the end of it, you will assured that your electricals are in keeping with the standards set by the state.

To schedule an inspection, approach a well-known and recommended gas and electrical certificates engineer. Their team will come over to your place, and inspect the electrical wiring thoroughly. The process takes around three at most and this is dependent on the size of your property.

In most cases you will get your electrical certificates within a 48 hour period. Should it be an emergency then there are provisions to get in a day as well. The certificates can also be delivered to your home if you so request. The process is not an expensive one time investment at most you should spend around 80 pounds at one go. You will get a hard copy of the certificate in the post and an electronic one via your email. All of this considered part of the package.

Should you not have the test and inspection done, chances are you are sitting on a death trap or subjecting a potential tenant to it. Safety should be your main priority. There is no legal compulsion to have the certificate but it is an unsaid norm in the industry. There are several professionally qualified individuals and agencies who can provide you with this service. The inspections deep but at the end of it, you will assured that your electricals are in keeping with the standards set by the state.

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