Princeton Partners, The Producer Of Diploma Replicas, Wins Prestigious Television Contract

Princeton Partners, the world-acknowledged leader in the production of replica documents has won the contract to make a large number of replicas of diplomas and associated university documentation for the Harlequin Rose Studios’ forthcoming series, The Trinity Trials a courtroom drama set in the ancient colleges at Oxford in the middle of the 19th century.

For this production Princeton Partners created faithful replicas of original degrees and official letters from originals lodged at the Pitt Rivers Museum, The Ashmolean Museum of art and Archeology, and The British Library. Accustomed as Princeton Partners is to reproducing ancient documents, and diploma replicas in particular, had to produce hand-made goatskin parchments utilizing ancient techniques and pigments, replicating the inimitable styles of the scribes of the day. In many instances Princeton Partners had to analyze how the ancient documents were produced and develop new techniques to achieve the required results. This is a very time-consuming, and elaborate process than brings together many virtually forgotten, artisan skills blending them with modern methods and materials in a process of evolution.

Princeton Partners isn’t shy of tackling the most complex and challenging of jobs. In a recent commission from a well-known museum, Princeton Partners created a faithful replica of a Book of Hours to replace an original. It is this replica, which is currently on display behind a climate-controlled secure display cabinet whilst the original undergoes a 2-year restoration project at an undisclosed location.

In one of the scenes of the television production you will be able to see one of the wall-hung diplomas being destroyed in a house fire a scene all the more distressing because of the many skilled hours that went into making it.

Princeton Partners has produced replicas for the film industry and museums but this commission was particularly demanding because of the large number of intricate documents that needed to be produced in a very short space of time.

Viewers with a keen eye will be able to see the exquisite work of Princeton Partners when the series airs in the spring of 2013.

You may contact Princeton Partners on [email protected]
Or visit

Princeton Partners, the world-acknowledged leader in the production of replica documents has won the contract to make a large number of replicas of diplomas and associated university documentation for the Harlequin Rose Studios’ forthcoming series, The Trinity Trials a courtroom drama set in the ancient colleges at Oxford in the middle of the 19th century.

For this production Princeton Partners created faithful replicas of original degrees and official letters from originals lodged at the Pitt Rivers Museum, The Ashmolean Museum of art and Archeology, and The British Library. Accustomed as Princeton Partners is to reproducing ancient documents, and diploma replicas in particular, had to produce hand-made goatskin parchments utilizing ancient techniques and pigments, replicating the inimitable styles of the scribes of the day. In many instances Princeton Partners had to analyze how the ancient documents were produced and develop new techniques to achieve the required results. This is a very time-consuming, and elaborate process than brings together many virtually forgotten, artisan skills blending them with modern methods and materials in a process of evolution.

Princeton Partners isn’t shy of tackling the most complex and challenging of jobs. In a recent commission from a well-known museum, Princeton Partners created a faithful replica of a Book of Hours to replace an original. It is this replica, which is currently on display behind a climate-controlled secure display cabinet whilst the original undergoes a 2-year restoration project at an undisclosed location.

In one of the scenes of the television production you will be able to see one of the wall-hung diplomas being destroyed in a house fire a scene all the more distressing because of the many skilled hours that went into making it.

Princeton Partners has produced replicas for the film industry and museums but this commission was particularly demanding because of the large number of intricate documents that needed to be produced in a very short space of time.

Viewers with a keen eye will be able to see the exquisite work of Princeton Partners when the series airs in the spring of 2013.

You may contact Princeton Partners on [email protected]
Or visit

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