Online Master Degrees

Do you want to expand your career advancement opportunities, learn a new vocation or extend your educational levels but you already graduated from college? Did you leave the learning environment for a great job after getting your degree, but find you need to get more education to get promoted? Have you found a great program you want to learn but it’s not offered at your local college at the master’s level? Are you self-motivated and like to work at your own pace? Then an online master’s degree may be for you!
A master’s degree is a post-baccalaureate or graduate degree is awarded to students who have completed one to three years of concentrated learning in a field of knowledge. A master’s level education can mean entry into a new field or occupation, a promotion or simply personal enrichment and achievement. The 2000 U.S. Census showcased the fact that almost 9% of the population now holds a master’s or professional degree�”up from a scant 3% just twenty years ago. The increase in online graduate degrees, affording flexibility and portability in study, has fueled this increase and expanded the educational and career advancement opportunities accordingly.
Popular Schools Offering Online Master’s Degrees
Request detailed information from the following schools with popular master’s programs:
Capella University is an accredited online-only university with a strong emphasis on graduate programs for working adults. Master’s degree focus areas Business & Technology, Education and Psychology.
University of Phoenix offers master’s programs in Business and Management (including an MBA program), Education, Healthcare, Nursing, and others.
Walden University offers online graduate programs in Business (MBA and other programs), Information Systems Management, Education, Healthcare Management and other disciplines.
Today’s students pursuing a Master’s degree often are more and more often coming from the ranks of the mid-career professionals with families. Back in the 1970’s, graduate students were almost exclusively from the population of just graduated students, who went on to study for a Master’s degree right after their bachelor’s degree. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES 1996 and 2006), the majority of students are still age 30 and younger while a rapidly growing number are from the 40 plus age group. From 1995-2005, post-baccalaureate students age 40 and older at U.S. colleges and universities grew by 27%. Over the next 2 decades this trend is predicted to continue as the growth in the population over age 40 continues to surpass the growth in citizen’s age 24 or less. Most of these �working adult� students have real-world work experience and one third are also raising children.
With this shift in the age of the graduate student population, many postsecondary institutions have adapted their programs to meet the needs of the new older students while still being attractive to the under 30 crowd. Online Master’s degrees curriculums offer a variety of programs to fulfill the needs of the diverse populations and ages of its students.
A master’s degree involves a program of study from 30 to 60 credit hours, resulting usually in a Master of Arts, Master of Science or Master of Business Arts degree. These basic degrees may be course-based, or research-based, or more typically involve a combination of the two approaches. A Master’s thesis may or may not be required, depending on the program. Some degrees involve written or oral comprehensive exams instead, or course completion projects in each subject.
According to the Council of Graduate Schools, completion of the one or two year programs carries a hefty price tag � averaging $22,000 at public universities and $34,100 at private schools, but the payoff is huge.:
The U.S. Census Bureau finds that workers holding a graduate or professional degree in 2006 earned on average $80,000, compared to $55,000 for workers with a bachelor’s degree only.
Advantages of Online Master’s Degrees
Portability �” you can attend class, read lectures, do your homework, confer with your professors anywhere! Log online while on a business trip, on your lunch hour, on the subway to work or while on vacation. There are no boundaries to where you can work on your master’s degree.
Flexibility �” studying online means you schedule it during your time. Even if you work shift work or have to chauffeur your kids until 9 at night, getting an online master’s degree has never been easier. Classes start all year round and may include classes as short as six weeks.
World Class Master’s Programs without relocating �” Study in your own home town, attending programs and universities while working fulltime and without the cost of moving or renting an apartment while you study out of town.
Global Networking �” Meet people from around the globe as you collaborate for online study groups, attend online trade shows or events, meet with recruiters, advisors and upper level management for networking sessions. Broadening your contacts and knowledge, even at a distance, can help you secure potential jobs in the future.
Hands on Business Experience �” Work in virtual environments that simulate and use many of the tools and programs of today’s business world. Learn while using the latest technologies that includes webinars, VOIP, conference calls, collaborative blog networks and other tools you may have never heard of, and your current company may not even utilize yet.
Cost Savings �” Online master’s degrees can offer you a lower cost alternative to traditional studies, when you factor in the cost of relocating or even just saving on the cost of commuting, with the expense of driving, eating, parking, and student campus fees.
Eliminate Residency Requirements �” Study for the degree you want without paying higher out of state tuition fees
Digital Environment �” Learning online at many universities allows you to assemble your own dashboard where you track progress, manager projects, organize collaboration and enter your scheduling. This will format will train you in the latest efficiency methods which will help you be at the head of the class in organization in school and at work.

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