Online Degrees Accounting: Exploring The Various Degrees And The Career Outlook For Accountants

Have you always dreamed about earning a degree in accounting, yet you’re worried that you may not have the time to devote to such a rigorous college program? Have you ever considered an online degree in accounting, one you can work towards from home when it’s most convenient for you, and do so at your own pace? Online degrees in accounting are ideal for those who want to further their education, but are hampered by busy schedules which prevent them from attending traditional college classes. Instead of scheduling your work and family responsibilities around school commitments (as you would have to do with a traditional college program), scheduling for online degrees is completely the opposite, allowing you to complete the required coursework when it’s most opportune for you, including nights and weekends.

Online Degree Accounting: Program Structure and Requirements

The requirements and program structure of online accounting classes will vary depending on the college or institution you decide to attend, but generally all that’s needed is a computer, reliable Internet access and a basic knowledge of computer communications using programs such as email, instant messaging, and video messaging (Skype, etc). These are the primary tools used to send and receive course materials and assignments, as well as to communicate with instructors and fellow students.

With most online classes, the bulk of your coursework will be completed from home. There is where you will typically work on each course assignment, and when finished you will send it electronically to your instructor for evaluation, grading, and in most cases, feedback. Some (not all) instructors may also require that you, and the other students in the class, meet with them a few times at the school, either for testing or collaboration. If you have questions or concerns outside of these few sessions, you can always communicate with the instructor and/or other students electronically.

Online Degrees in Accounting: What Programs Are Available?

While there are certain institutions that offer Masters Degrees and Doctorate programs in accounting, most schools will at minimum offer the two programs described below: Associate Degrees and Bachelor of Art Degrees.

Online Degrees Accounting: Associate Degrees:

An associate online degree in accounting is designed for students who are fairly new to the field. This type of degree program will prepare students for a variety of entry level positions, and goes way beyond calculations and number interpretation. Here students will learn how to communicate vital information effectively and network with a wide range of people. After receiving their associate online degree in accounting, students can go to work in entry-level careers such as bookkeeper, payroll professional, accounting assistant, auditing clerk or tax preparer.

Online Degrees Accounting: Bachelor of Arts Degree

A Bachelor of Arts in Accounting will open up several new doors to students, as these programs are designed for those who desire to make accounting their career. These programs teach the necessary conceptual, analytical and technical proficiency in accounting, allowing students the opportunity to get real-world business experience, while working with accruals, financial statements and budgets.

Online Degrees Accounting: Career Outlook

On almost any list of �promising� career fields�”careers with the best future outlook�”careers in accounting are invariably near the top. In fact, in a recent list compiled by the media giant CNBC, accounting was ranked number one in terms of career prospects after graduation. In another poll released by the Philadelphia Enquirer, accounting was number three on the list, topped only be careers in computer and civil engineering. Accounting is one of those career fields that appear to be near recession-proof. Despite the still-struggling economy, there is currently a high demand for accountants in most major cities throughout the country�”a demand that has been fairly steady for at least 20 years.

The compensation for accountants isn’t too shabby either. At the end of 2010, the average starting annual wage for an accountant�”one who held at least a Bachelor of Arts Degree�”was over $49,000, and many career accountants earn well over $100,000 a year.

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