Online Accredited Degrees

Depending on the program and university involved, there is currently a wealth of online accredited degrees available. The job market is so competitive nowadays that people are going back to school to get associates, bachelors and masters degrees in droves. In fact, getting more education on an ongoing basis is becoming mandatory for anyone interested in advancing their career. The days of working for one company for 20 or 30 years with limited education and retiring with a hefty pension are long gone.

Online accredited degrees have been available for quite some time, but the devil is in the details. Is the accreditation on the the state, regional or national level? How much does it cost to attend? Online degree programs have traditionally been expensive, the good news it that with increasing competition among so many accredited online universities, the price of online education is going down. In addition, many traditional bricks-and-mortar universities are offering online courses as well as their regular curriculum in the form of continuing adult education programs. The cost of these online courses are often-times much less that those offered by universities that are online only.

Individuals who have completed a large portion of their degree program(s) already but have dropped out for financial or other reasons may be the ones who benefit most from current trends. You may be surprised upon submitting your completed hours and work history to either an online or traditional institute of higher education how little it may take to advance to the next degree level. I can speak from personal experience that this is so. I am currently completing a BS degree after finding out that I only have two courses to take, in combination with my work experience and already completed courses at a number of universities I have attended. The sad part is that I waited so long before I checked into what I needed to complete my degree. Please people, don’t make the same mistake I made. As the old saying goes: “You don’t know how you look until you get your picture took!” If you take the first step and look for available degree programs, you will discover that there are an abundance of professional counselors available to help you free of charge. There are also many scholarships, grants and loans out there for people wishing to complete degrees in any area of study. Untapped funds are waiting for those who take the initiative.

It is important to do your homework before applying to any college, online or otherwise. Investigate a number of universities, find out the level of accreditation for your particular area of study and what it costs. Your best bet may be to look for a local state-funded university that offers online courses. Private universities, both online and traditional, collect most of their funding from students while state universities collect as much as 75% of the cost of a degree program from state taxes.

Depending on your area of study, you may need to attend some classes on campus. This is especially true of technical or engineering degrees. Whatever your continuing education goals are, start planning today. As difficult as higher education is, working in a position that is not suited to your true talents and capabilities, will in the long run be the most difficult option.

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