Maci Degree: What Is It?

We live in a country built on knowledge and high standards of education. In order to sustain our level of success, education must continue to rank as a central priority. Gaining advanced training in education is an honorable and fulfilling goal. There is a degree, offered by some schools, that provides students with a high level of educational knowledge, coupled with a strong practical ability in educational settings. That degree is the Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction.

What is the Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction?

Known by its abbreviation, M.A.C.I., the Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction is a comprehensive training program that helps teachers and educators to become even better. Let’s break down the core components of the program to understand what the degree is about.

-Master of Arts. As a master’s level degree, the M.A.C.I. requires the successful completion of a four-year equivalent bachelor’s degree in an educational field. Master degrees provide highly specialized and in-depth training in specific areas, and the M.A.C.I. is no different. It delves into integral issues facing educators and uncovers how to successfully challenge these issues.

-Curriculum. “Curriculum” is an integrated and formal course of academic studies. M.A.C.I. students receive instruction in the how and why of curriculum. What is the best approach to developing a curriculum for specific age groups? What components should the curriculum include? Does the curriculum equip the student to be successful in his or her next course of study, or in the workplace? How can a curriculum be tailored to the specific needs of a student or age group? Embarking on an M.A.C.I. degree will equip the students to handle these important questions.

-Instruction. Obviously, there is more to education than curriculum. Accurate instruction must also be in place. This degree enables students to formulate the proper approach to instruction. There are myriads of instructional approaches, each with its distinct advantages and potential weaknesses. Understanding the philosophical underpinnings, the history, and the practical manifestation of each instructional method will provide the student with an exceptional advantage in his or her own teaching career.

What does the degree provide? The M.A.C.I. is not merely an accretion of book knowledge, designed to churn out academicians. It is a distinctly practical degree, designed to produce the following:

-A sound philosophy of education. Educational philosophy may sound mundane and boring. Think again. Educational philosophy is at the very essence of learning, teaching, and knowing. The M.A.C.I with its development of a strong educational philosophy gives students the academic backbone for highly successful teaching careers.

-Leadership in Education. The teacher is a leader. He or she leads students on a journey of intellectual development. Developing these leadership skills and then honing them for maximum success is another product of the degree.

-Relevant Coursework. Although course requirements vary from school to school, some of the core courses of the M.A.C.I. include: Principles and Methods of Educational Research, Social Foundations of Education, Curriculum Construction, Educational Policy, Theories of Teaching and Learning, and Leadership in Instruction. Every M.A.C.I degree involves hands-on experience in an actual teaching role.

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