Leading Domain Website Offers Unique Cheap Domain Registration Service

One of the most difficult things when setting up a new website is finding a good domain name and registering that domain. The majority of websites belonging to domain registrars can be complicated websites, full of adverts and unnecessary information. Many try non stop attempts to up sell products that users do not need instead of supplying a simple and user friendly website that simply provides the service requested. However there is always an exception to the rule and in this case it is www.domaindonkey.co.uk.rnrnDomain Donkey is a domain registration site that is refreshingly free of clutter. They seem to have adopted the Google ethos of ‘less is more’. The result being the site is very easy and simple to use. All a user has to do is choose a domain, check the domain availability and then pay the very competitive prices via Google Checkout or PayPal.rnrnAs well as domain registration, the site also offers domain transfers and SSL certificates. SSL certificates are important because they protect the security of your website and reassure visitors to your site that it is safe to conduct certain transactions. Domain Donkey also has a news blog which updates people about the service and domain registration news in general. rnrnOne of the websites most appealing features is how simple it is to use. If a user wants to register a domain but is unsure if it’s available then there is a box on the front page for this. Users just need to type in the desired domain and the site will tell the user if that URL is available for domain registration. The site also gives users an exact quote of how much the site would cost to register per year. However, as with most domain registration sites, some domains have to be registered on a 2 year basis.rnrnrnWww.domaindonkey.co.uk is a very clean and user friendly website which is a powerful and informative resource for locating domains. Its simple but effective style has won it many admirers and its exponential rise in visitors is down to its premise of supplying reliable information in a simple an uncluttered manner. This it achieves with distinction. For cost effective domain name registration www.domaindonkey.co.uk should be the first and last port of call.rnrnrnFor more information visit http://www.domaindonkey.co.uk

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