Is Home Schooling Right For You And Your Teen?

Is home schooling right for you and your teen?

While many teens are very successful in online learning, others fall behind because they lack in motivation and resources. Before your teen enrolls in online education, you should find out if this is a situation that will work for your family and home. Home schooling is ideal for teens with a stay home parent, because most teens are going to need to be supervised either to keep the child focused, or limit behavioral problems. If there is no one home during the day, and your child gets bored, they could cause some trouble and stress for you. You should also consider that there is not the same amount of help for students enrolled in online learning. If your child is having problems in science for instance and there is no teacher to help them, will your family be able to afford to hire a tutor? If you cannot help your child educationally or you can’t be there to monitor there work load, home schooling may not be right for you and your teen.

Another factor you will want to look at is your teens social life. Socializing is a major part of high school and important for your teens development. A good idea might be to register your child in sports programs, to allow them to meet new people. You should also allow them to have time to socialize with old friends and make new ones as well. If you are taking your teen out of school to get them away from a negative group of friends, make sure you have other ways for your teen to socialize. This may not always be easy however, if your teen refuses to enroll in sports or volunteer programs. Remember that your child needs to socialize, so make sure you talk to your teen before taking them out of school in order to be sure that he/she will still have a way of socializing with peers.
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