Getting A Degree Doesn’t Make Finding A Job Any Easier

As the 2009 college year comes to a close the reality is setting in that graduates are facing poor or even bad prospects for that dream job. Whether the student completed an associate degree or a business administration degree, it is likely that finding a job will be a much more difficult process in the current economy.

In better times employers have offered internship or apprenticeship programsoften leading to full time employment. The employer logic is simple:

Use internships or apprenticeships as a system to attract good students. You work for us and we will train you. ‘
Observe the work products of the student
Pick the best ones to offer a job to

It is a win-win for both parties. The employer gets productive time out of the student and the student gets valuable experience. Another huge benefit to the employer is that the intern is not yet an employee with all the costs and benefits associated with full time employees. Salaries and wages are often the largest line item on a company’s budget. Needless to say, hiring the right people is a vital, vital action.

An internship or apprenticeship program allows the employer to observe firsthand how the student gets tasks done within the allotted time and how they interact with other staff and managers. Employers are looking for employees who can get the job done while working well with other team members. This is where the rubber meets the road”. Can the intern be both productive and fit into our corporate culture?

An internship or apprenticeship program keeps a steady flow of fresh talent coming into the company or non profit. Productive employees are not born that way; they learn this through family values, education and experience. The more experience a student can get the better off he or she will be. A student who just gets an education” is missing out on a key part of a career education that an internship will provide.

In addition the student gets to experience different companies leading to more defined goals. A student that completes a degree program but hasn’t a clue about what to do next is at a real disadvantage. It would be much better for a student to get both theory and practical experience at different organizations. This is very advantageous for the student as work experience will help them decide which businesses they like or dislike. Employers are going to be more interested in a student who has a variety of practical experience and has decided what they want to do.

Professions like accounting, law and medicine all utilize the system of theory plus practical experience. They must demonstrate that they can apply the theory before they graduate. Can you imagine engaging a lawyer who had only read a book or going to a doctor who had never before seen a patient?

Employers that are hiring are going to be very selective about who they hire. They don’t have the time or budget to make hiring mistakes. Students with associate degrees or business management degrees can make themselves much more employable by getting real life job experience. That is real career education.

Call 888-812-4224 to tour the Hubbard College of Administration for a briefing on your associate degree and apprenticeships options which will make you much more employable when you graduate.

About Hubbard College of Administration

Hubbard College of Administration is a business career college located in Los Angeles, California. The school offers self-paced programs and utilizes a comprehensive study technology, apprenticeships, internships, assistance with job placement and a lifetime guarantee for students. Their degree programs offer excellent career training and step-by-step guidance so that when a student completes their program, he or she will have chosen a satisfying and successful career.

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