Finding A Job Just Got A Lot Harder

According to a CNNMoney(dot)com report the number of people collecting unemployment benefits for one week or more hit a new record high at 6,271,000. That means it's taking more people longer to find a job. College grads with an Associate Degree or Business Administration Degree had better take notethe competition just got a lot harder. With companies running lean and mean” they have the upper hand in selecting new employees.

Graduating students have two major challenges:

1. The employment outlook for job seekers is quite bleak especially in the manufacturing and service sectors. Companies are just not hiring compared to earlier more affluent times.

2. When job listings do become available, there will be fierce competition from the swelling ranks of the current unemployedmany of which have extensive experience. There is the old joke that goes something like this: if you are looking for a PhD call a taxi. Employers want employees that are both well educated and have relevant experience. Many employers do not have big training budgetsthey want employees who can jump right in and become productive. So your resume would ideally have both the education and experience that employers are looking for.

So what can students do to make themselves more employable? Here are some suggestions:

1. Pick a college that will give you a broad business education. Companies will likely reinvent themselves several times in the future. Thus they will need employees that have both a strong basic business education and are clever enough to adapt to new opportunities and challenges. As an example, social media marketing has gone from geek to mainstream is just a few years. The ones that will be successful will have a strong marketing or pr background and can learn the techniques of digital marketing. Knowing how to put up a Facebook page is fine but employers want a full blown marketing strategy that will increase their customer base and enhance their brands.

2. As part of the process is selecting a college, find one that offers internships or apprenticeships. Ideally there would be practical experience built into the academic program. Working at a fast food restaurant will give you some experience but few employers will care that you can flip hamburgers. They will be checking your resume for pertinent experience. That is where real career education plays a major role.

It is a buyer’s marketemployers have a large employee pool to select from including those with an associate degree and business management degrees. You can make your resume exceptional by getting relevant experience.

Call 888-812-4224 to tour the Hubbard College of Administration to get a briefing on your associate degree options which will make you much more employable when you graduate.

About Hubbard College of Administration

Hubbard College of Administration is a business career college located in Los Angeles, California. The school offers self-paced programs and utilizes a comprehensive study technology, apprenticeships, internships, assistance with job placement and a lifetime guarantee for students. Their degree programs offer excellent career training and step-by-step guidance so that when a student completes their program, he or she will have chosen a satisfying and successful career.

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