Are You Thinking Of Pursuing A Degree In Teaching?

The demand for teachers is rising every day; online degrees in education are a major avenue that will help fulfill the rising need for qualified teachers. These flexible, fast programs are convenient, and when obtained through a quality source place graduates in a competitive spot for distinguished positions in the world of education.

Nearly every state in the U.S. requires a teacher’s certification in math, teaching, writing and reading, as well as a bachelor’s degree, in order for you to be authorized to teach. Walden University Education Programs provide the certification you need for the state that requires it. A degree in education will open doors for you, not only as a traditional teacher, but also in careers in administration, special education and guidance counseling.

Walden University Education Programs
Walden University Education program offers Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees in an array of subject areas, and are designed to help you elevate the quality of your institution by improving student achievement. Degrees available and areas of focus include:

� Teacher Preparation with M.A. in teaching degree with concentrations in:
– Special Education with a focus in learning disabilities
– Special Education with a focus in behavioral and emotional disorders
– Early Childhood Education

� Special Education Endorsement, with focuses in:
– Learning disabilities
– Emotional and behavioral disorders

� B.S. in Instructional Design and Technology with concentrations in:
– General program
– Organizational and business change
– Interface design and human factors

� B.S. in Child Development with concentrations in:
– Infant and toddler
– Preschool
– Both preschool and infant/toddler

� Master of Science in Education with specializations in:
– Adolescent literacy and technology
– Special education
– Teacher leadership
– Science
– Middle level education
– Mathematics
– Literacy and learning
– Integrating technology in the classroom
– Elementary reading and literacy
– Educational leadership
– Curriculum assessment and instruction

� Education Specialist

� Doctor of Education with specializations in:
– Teacher leadership
– Administrator leadership for learning and teaching
– Higher education / adult learning

� PhD in Education with specializations including:
– Self-designed programs
– Special education
– Educational leadership
– Higher education
– Educational technology
– Early childhood education
– Curriculum, assessment and instruction
– Community college leadership
– Adult education leadership
– General program

Walden University
Walden University degrees are tailored to help you reach your personal and professional goals. The institution’s online degree programs will allow you to share with professional peers from all over the U.S., study at your leisure and complete your degree in a fashion and timeframe that suits your lifestyle. Walden University offers tuition discounts, scholarships and other assistance.

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